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Anoop Jain's Securities Law & Capital Markets for CS Executive December 2022 Exam [New Course/Syllabus] by Aj Publication

Anoop Jain's Securities Law & Capital Markets for CS Executive December 2022 Exam [New Course/Syllabus] by Aj Publication

PART-A    SECURITIES LAWS Financial SystemSebi Act 1992Depositories Act 1996Scra Ac..


Asia Law House's Law of Investments & Securities For BA. LL.B & LL.B by Dr. S. R. Myneni

Asia Law House's Law of Investments & Securities For BA. LL.B & LL.B by Dr. S. R. Myneni

Contents:Unit - I :Investment in Corporate StructureUnit - II : Securities Contracts (Regulation)..


Asia Law House's Lectures on Law of Investments & Securities in India for LLB by T. Ramappa

Asia Law House's Lectures on Law of Investments & Securities in India for LLB by T. Ramappa

Asia Law House's Lectures on Law of Investments & Securities in India for LLB by T. RamappaPrice..


NISM's Mutual Fund Foundation by Taxmann Publication | National Institute of Securities Markets

NISM's Mutual Fund Foundation by Taxmann Publication | National Institute of Securities Markets

The book is a comprehensive guide on sales, distribution, and support services in the mutual fund in..


Professional's Securities & Exchange Board Of India Act, 1992 [SEBI] Bare Act 2024

Professional's Securities & Exchange Board Of India Act, 1992 [SEBI] Bare Act 2024

Please Note: Price of the book includes Delivery Charge Rs. 80..


Singhal Law Publication's MCQs for SEBI (Law) Officer and IBPS Law Officer by Sudhir Ahlawat | Securities and Exchange Board of India [Edn. 2023]

Singhal Law Publication's MCQs for SEBI (Law) Officer and IBPS Law Officer by Sudhir Ahlawat | Securities and Exchange Board of India [Edn. 2023]

Sudhir Ahlawat's MCQs for SEBI (LAW) OFFICER and IBPS LAW OFFICER by Singhal Law Publications [Banke..


Taxmann Publication's Merchant Banking (IX) by NISM | National Institute of Securities Markets | An Educational Initiative of SEBI

Taxmann Publication's Merchant Banking (IX) by NISM | National Institute of Securities Markets | An Educational Initiative of SEBI

This book covers all important topics of the functioning of merchant bankers.This book also cov..


Taxmann Publication's Mutual Fund Distributors : V-A by National Institute of Securities Markets (NISM)

Taxmann Publication's Mutual Fund Distributors : V-A by National Institute of Securities Markets (NISM)

The book provides a comprehensive guide to improving the mutual fund industry's sales, distribution,..


Taxmann Publication's Social Auditors by NISM, ICAI | National Institute of Securities Markets

Taxmann Publication's Social Auditors by NISM, ICAI | National Institute of Securities Markets

This book is a joint publication by NISM & ICAI on various aspects of Social Stock Exchange and ..


Taxmann's Alternative Investment Funds (AIF Category I and II - XIX-A) Distributors by NISM | National Institute of Securities Markets

Taxmann's Alternative Investment Funds (AIF Category I and II - XIX-A) Distributors by NISM | National Institute of Securities Markets

View Contents: Alternative_Investment_Funds_Category_I_and_II_Distributors_Content.pdfAlternative In..


Taxmann's Cracker on Capital Markets & Securities Laws (CMSL) for CS Executive December 2023 Exam [New Syllabus] by N. S. Zad, Pankaj Kumar | Scanner

Taxmann's Cracker on Capital Markets & Securities Laws (CMSL) for CS Executive December 2023 Exam [New Syllabus] by N. S. Zad, Pankaj Kumar | Scanner

CS-Executive | New Syllabus | Dec. 2023/June 2024 ExamsView Contents: Capital Market & Secu..


Taxmann's Cracker on Securities Laws & Capital Markets for CS Executive June 2024 Exam (SLCM Old Syllabus) by N. S. Zad

Taxmann's Cracker on Securities Laws & Capital Markets for CS Executive June 2024 Exam (SLCM Old Syllabus) by N. S. Zad

This book is prepared exclusively for the Executive Level of Company Secretary Examination requireme..


Taxmann's Currency Derivatives (I) by NISM | National Institute of Securities Markets

Taxmann's Currency Derivatives (I) by NISM | National Institute of Securities Markets

This book seeks to create a common minimum knowledge benchmark for persons working in the c..


Taxmann's Equity Derivatives (VIII) by NISM | National Institute of Securities Markets | An Educational Initiative of SEBI

Taxmann's Equity Derivatives (VIII) by NISM | National Institute of Securities Markets | An Educational Initiative of SEBI

This workbook has been developed to assist candidates in preparing for the National Institute of..


Taxmann's Interest Rate Derivatives [IV] by National Institute of Securities Markets [NISM]

Taxmann's Interest Rate Derivatives [IV] by National Institute of Securities Markets [NISM]

This book covers the basics of interest rate derivatives, trading strategies using interest rate der..


Taxmann's Investment Adviser (Level 1) : X- A by NISM | National Institute of Securities Markets

Taxmann's Investment Adviser (Level 1) : X- A by NISM | National Institute of Securities Markets

This book aims to create a common minimum knowledge benchmark for all individual investmen..


Taxmann's Investment Adviser Level 2 (X: B) by NISM | National Institute of Securities Markets

Taxmann's Investment Adviser Level 2 (X: B) by NISM | National Institute of Securities Markets

The book aims to clarify and focus on the critical areas of investment advisory, enhancing the ov..


Taxmann's Portfolio Managers (XXI-B) by NISM | National Institute of Securities Markets | An Educational Initiative of SEBI

Taxmann's Portfolio Managers (XXI-B) by NISM | National Institute of Securities Markets | An Educational Initiative of SEBI

Portfolio Management Services (PMS) Distributors seek to create a common minimum knowledge benc..


Taxmann's Registrars to an Issue and Share Transfer Agents- Mutual Fund By NISM | National Institute of Securities Market (II-B)

Taxmann's Registrars to an Issue and Share Transfer Agents- Mutual Fund By NISM | National Institute of Securities Market (II-B)

Registrars to an Issue and Share Transfer Agents – Mutual Funds.pdfRegistrars to an Issue and Share ..


Taxmann's Research Analyst (XV) by NISM | National Institute of Securities Markets | An Educational Initiative of SEBI

Taxmann's Research Analyst (XV) by NISM | National Institute of Securities Markets | An Educational Initiative of SEBI

Research Analyst covers all essential topics required to undertake research on companies, such as:[K..


Taxmann's SEBI Manual 2023 (3 Volumes) | Securities and Exchange Board of India

Taxmann's SEBI Manual 2023 (3 Volumes) | Securities and Exchange Board of India

View Contents: SEBI Manual 2023For sample chapter click hereThis book is the most updated & amen..


Taxmann's Securities and Exchange Board of India Act 1992 [SEBI] Bare Act 2023

Taxmann's Securities and Exchange Board of India Act 1992 [SEBI] Bare Act 2023

This book covers amended, updated & annotated text of the Securities Exchange Board of India (SE..


Taxmann's Securities Intermediaries Compliance (Non- Fund) by NISM | National Institute Of Securities Markets | An Educational Initiative of SEBI

Taxmann's Securities Intermediaries Compliance (Non- Fund) by NISM | National Institute Of Securities Markets | An Educational Initiative of SEBI

This book is a comprehensive guide covering all significant regulations pertinent to the securities ..


Taxmann's Securities Markets Foundation [XII] by NISM

Taxmann's Securities Markets Foundation [XII] by NISM

This book is a comprehensive guide to the Indian securities markets, designed to provide basic knowl..


Taxmann's Taxation in Securities Markets For NISM Certification Examination (XX) by National Institute of Securities Markets | NISM

Taxmann's Taxation in Securities Markets For NISM Certification Examination (XX) by National Institute of Securities Markets | NISM

This book provides complete information about the Income-tax & GST implications of the securitie..


Showing 1 to 31 of 31 (1 Pages)