Research Analyst covers all essential topics required to undertake research on companies, such as:
- [Knowledge]
- Basics of Indian Securities Markets
- Various Terminologies used in the Equity and Debt Markets
- Top-Down and Bottom-Up Approach to Fundamental Research
- Basic Principles for Micro and Macro-Economic Analysis
- Key Industry Drivers
- Fundamentals of Risk and Return
- Valuation Principles
- Corporate Actions
- Regulatory Environment
- [Understanding]
- Qualitative and Quantitative Dimensions concerning Company Analysis
- Qualities of a Good Research Report
This book will be helpful for the following:
- Persons registered as Research Analyst under SEBI (Research Analyst) Regulations, 2014
- Individuals employed as Research Analyst
- Partners of Research Analyst
- Persons engaged in preparation and/or publication of research report or research analysis
The Present Publication is the March 2021 workbook version, published exclusively by Taxmann for NISM Certification Examination XV [Research Analyst], with the following coverage:
- Introduction to Research Analyst Profession
- Introduction to Securities Market
- Technology in Equity and Debt Markets
- Fundamentals of Research
- Economic Analysis
- Industry Analysis
- Company Analysis – Business and Governance
- Company Analysis – Financial Analysis
- Corporate Actions
- Valuation Principles
- Fundamentals of Risk and Return
- Qualities of a Good Research Report
- Legal and Regulatory Environment
- Case Studies | Some Cases from the History on Market Events
Taxmann's Research Analyst (XV) by NISM | National Institute of Securities Markets | An Educational Initiative of SEBI
- Publisher: Taxmann Publications
- Book Code: 9789357782975
- Availability: 10
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Tags: Taxmann, Research Analyst, XV, NISM, Research Analyst by NISM, Research Analyst by Taxmann Publication, Research Analyst NISM Certification, 9789357782975, Research analyst by National Institute of Securities Markets, NISM Certification Examination Books 2023