Ind AS (covered under Financial Re porting) are “principle based; standards. As you aware, application of these standards is mandatory for all listed companies and other large unlisted entities in India Conceptual understanding of the standards is essential in properly applying the same in practical training as well as in profession al life, be it practice or employment. Being in the teaching profession for good more than a decade, we observed, on numerous occasions, difficulties faced by students in understanding standards and we firmly believe they need appropriate guidance. In our observation, prima facie, the reasons for such difficulties are
(1) The terminology used in the Ind AS;
(2) Inter linkage between various standards;
(3) Lack of explanation with the help of illustrations;
Our struggle in understating and application of the standards motivated us to share knowledge through writing a book on Financial Reporting in simple and lucid language with the most appropriate practical examples. We tried our best to eliminate these difficulties and yet to deliver the knowledge in its right sense. We hope you will agree with u s after reading the book. The book Quick revision fast track charts on financial reporting; covers the summary of important points of ALL the standards including business combination and consolidation in CHART FORM. It helps students to revise the subject in quicker manner just before exam. Please note that, this book will help you a lot if you read it immediately after reading Ind AS made easy financial reporting made easy. Students are recommended to make addition al notes to make their understanding of the concepts further easier.
- IND AS 8 Accounting Policies, Change in Accounting Estimate and Errors
- Ind AS 37 Provisions, contingent liabilities, and contingent Asset
- IND AS 20 Accounting For Government Grants
- Ind AS 23 Borrowing costs (Be)
- Ind AS16 Property plant amp Equipment (PPE)
- Ind AS 38 Intangible Assets (IA)
- IND AS 40 Investment Property
- Ind AS 41 Agriculture
- Ind AS 36 Impairment of Assets
- Ind AS 105 Noncurrent Assets held for Sale and Discontinued operations
- Ind AS 7 Statement of cash flow
- Ind AS 24 Related Party Disclosures
- IND AS 19 Employee Benefits
- Ind AS 21 The effects of changes in foreign exchange rates
- Ind AS 34 Interim Financial Reporting (IFR)
- Ind AS 108 Operating Segments
- Ind AS 12 Income taxes
- IND AS 113 Fair value measurement
- Ind AS 115 Revenue from contracts with customers
- Ind AS 116 leases
- Ind AS 102 Share Based Payments (SBP)
- Ind AS 27 Separate Financial Statement
- Ind AS 28 Investment in Associates and Joint Ventures
- Ind AS 103 Business combinations amp Corporate Restructuring
- Ind AS 110 Consolidated Financial Statements (CFS)
- Ind AS 101 First Time Adoption of Ind AS
- Ind AS 109 32 &107 Financial Instruments
- Ind AS 33 Earning per share
Commercial's Quick Revision Fast Track Charts on Financial Reporting [FR - Color Book] for CA Final November 2021 Exam [New Syllabus] by CA. Ravi Kanth Miriyala
- Publisher: Commercial Law Publisher
- Book Code: 9789390303588
- Availability: 1