Key Features
- Comprehensive commentary on Ind AS with Conceptual Explanations, Case studies and Examples.
- References to published disclosures of Listed Companies on major concepts of Ind AS.
- More than 1,000 MCQs with detailed analysis covering all Ind AS.
- FAQs on Overview and Applicability/ Roadmap for implementation of Ind AS including analysis of amendments to Schedule III
- Lucid commentary on complex topics such as Leases, Revenue, Financial Instruments, Business Combination, Consolidation, Share-Based Payment etc. with practical examples and case studies.
- Practical issues on Ind AS including analysis of ITFG bulletins and Education material.
- Detailed comparison of Ind AS, Indian GAAP, IFRS and ICDS.
- Updated with Companies (Ind AS) Amendment Rules, 2022.
- Useful for Professionals and Participants of Certificate course on Ind AS
Bloomsbury's Treatise on Ind AS by CA. Alok K. Garg [Edn. 2023]
- Publisher: Bloomsbury Publishing India
- Book Code: 9789356403277
- Availability: 10
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Tags: Bloomsbury, Treatise on Ind AS, IND AS, CA. Alok K. Garg, Bloomsbury Professional India, Treatise on Ind AS by Alok Garg, Treatise on Ind AS by Bloomsbury, Treatise on Ind AS 2023 by Bloomsbury, Ind AS by Alok Garg, Treatise on Indian Accounting Standards by Alok Garg, 9789356403277, Treatise on Ind AS by Bloomsbury Professional India, Indian Accounting Standards Treatise by Alok Garg