- Federalism
- Centre-State Relations
- Secularism-Challenges to (Religion-as-a-Faith-Anti Secular Argument)
- Communalism (Religion-as-Ideology) and fundamentalism challenge to Indian Constitution
- Concept of State and Nation
- Separation of Powers (Tria politica principle) or Division of Powers, Indian Experience
- Human Rights (Fundamental Rights) of the Naxals and Terrorists and the law enforcement machineries
- Feminism and the Women Empowerment Advancing Fender Equality: Great Challenge
- Reservations or Affirmative Action: How far and Where
- Communism: Challenge to Constitution
- Socialism-New Challenges
- Citizenship
- Right to Privacy: Need of the Hour
- Independence of Judiciary: Self Restriction
- Proportional and Numerical Equality as Challenge to Equality Clause of the Constitution
- Right to life and The Personal Liberty
- Euthanasia (Easy Death) Challenge to Law
- Death Sentence: Burning Issue
- Freedom of Press and Scientific Freedom New Challenges
- Investigative Journalism and Sting Operations: Protection to the whistle blowers
- From judicial activism to judicial anarchism
- Public Interest Litigation
- Corruption and Ombudsman: from Here to everywhere
- Electoral Reforms: Great Challenge to Constitutionalism
- Constitutional Judicial Review and Legislative Supremacy
- Rule of Law
Central Law Publications Constitutional Law - New Challenges by Dr. G. P. Tripathi
- Publisher: Central Law Publications
- Book Code: 9789386456793
- Availability: 10
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