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Table of Contents
Mod. No. |
Sub. No |
Topics |
Page No. |
I. |
Introduction |
1. |
and definition of Political Theory |
2. |
of Political Theory |
3. |
Impact of Political Theory on Society and
Law |
II. |
Political Concepts and Theories (Part
I) |
1. |
Evolution of the concept, J. S. Mill’s views on Liberty, Positive and
Negative Liberty |
2. |
Concept of Equality and Theories of Equality- Equality of Welfare by
Utilitarian’s, Equality of Resources by Ronald Dworkin, Equality of
Capability by Amartya Sen and Complex Equality by Michael Walzer |
3. |
Justice- Procedural Justice and
Distributive Justice, John Rawls Theory- Justice as fairness |
4. |
Rights- Negative and Positive rights,
Types- Civil-Political-Socio-Economic-Cultural, Human Rights- UDHR |
III. |
Concepts and Theories (Part II) |
1. |
Power and Authority- Nature, Significance and
forms of Power and Authority, Difference between Power and Authority and
Legitimacy, Max Weber’s View on Authority, Theories of Power – Elite Theory
(Ideas of Pareto, Mosca, C. Wright Mills, Robert Michels) and Group Theory |
2. |
State, Political Obligation and Punishment -
Meaning of Political Obligation, Political Obligation Theories– Force Theory-
Consent Theory- Marxist Theory- Utilitarian Theory |
3. |
State and disobedience, Concept of Punishment
and Theories of Punishment – Deterrent Theory Retributive Theory-Preventive
Theory- Reformative Theory - Expiatory Theory |
Mod. No.
Sub. No
Page No.
Concept of Ideology, Difference between Theory
and Ideology and their interrelation, End of Ideology
Liberalism - Core Values- Main currents of
liberalism (Classical Liberalism, Modern Liberalism and Neoliberalism),
Liberal Democracy and Constitutionalism, End of History by Francis Fukuyama
Socialism- Core Values and its variants -
Fabian – Syndicalism – Guild Socialism- Democratic Socialism
Marxism- Theories of - Historical Materialism,
Class and Class Struggle, Exploitation, Alienation, Role of State,
Contemporary relevance of Marxism
Utilitarianism- Jeremy Bentham and
Contribution of J.S. Mill
Mod. No. |
Sub. No |
Topics |
Page No. |
IV. |
Ideologies |
1. |
Concept of Ideology, Difference between Theory
and Ideology and their interrelation, End of Ideology |
2. |
Liberalism - Core Values- Main currents of
liberalism (Classical Liberalism, Modern Liberalism and Neoliberalism),
Liberal Democracy and Constitutionalism, End of History by Francis Fukuyama |
3. |
Socialism- Core Values and its variants -
Fabian – Syndicalism – Guild Socialism- Democratic Socialism |
4. |
Marxism- Theories of - Historical Materialism,
Class and Class Struggle, Exploitation, Alienation, Role of State,
Contemporary relevance of Marxism |
5. |
Utilitarianism- Jeremy Bentham and
Contribution of J.S. Mill |
Ajit Prakashan's Political Theories & Ideologies for BA. LL.B & LL.B Students [2023 CBCS Pattern] by Amol Rahatekar
- Publisher: Ajit Prakashan
- Book Code: AP204
- Availability: 21
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Tags: Ajit Prakashan, Political Theories & Ideologies, BA. LL.B & LL.B, Amol Rahatekar, Political Theories by Ajit Prakashan, Political Theories for BA. LL.B & LL.B New Syllabus, by Amol Rahatekar, AP204, Political Theories by Amol Rahatekar, Political Theories for LL.B Sudents, Political Theories Notes 2023