  • Thomson Reuter's Human Rights and Comparative Criminal Law by Dr. Souvik Chatterji

Human Rights and Comparative Criminal Law by Dr. Souvik Chatterji, Thomson Reuters, ISBN : 9789384746285. This book had examined criminal justice system in a number of Jurisdictions with special focus on India. The Policing System, the procedural laws, the correctional homes are compared in the book.

Contents of the Book:

  1. Historical Perspective of Common Law System
  2. Historical Perspective of Civil Law System
  3. Islamic Law
  4. Adversarial System of Administration of Criminal Justice
  5. Inquisitorial System of Administration of criminal justice
  6. Policing Systems across various jurisdictions
  7. Prosecution System in Selected Jurisdictions
  8. Life Imprisonment
  9. Use of Imprisonment
  10. Open Jail System
  11. Theories of Punishment
  12. Historical, Philosophical and Social perspectives of Human Rights
  13. Human Rights under the Indian Constitution and other National Laws
  14. Valuation of Protection of Human rights act in India
  15. Structures, Powers and Functions of National Human Rights Commission in India.
  16. Structures, Powers and Functions of State Human Rights Commission in India
  17. Growth and Development of protection of Human Rights ans Universal Declaration of Human Rights, 1948
  18. Growth and Development of Human Rights in the light of ICCPR, 1966 and ICESCR, 1966
  19. International Perspective on protection against torture
  20. Criminal Justice System in India - An Overview
  21. Social Justice and Right to Speedy Trial
  22. Critical Analysis of Death Penalty in India
  23. Juvenile Justice in India
  24. Lack of Capital punisment in Certain jurisdictions
  25. Naxalite Menance
  26. Control of Nexalite Movement
  27. Naxalite Movement in India
  28. Organnised Crimes
  29. Organised Criminal Groups
  30. International efforts to address Organised Crimes
  31. Criminal Sanctions in Certain Jurisdictions
  32. Corporate leniency against Cartelists
  33. International Criminal Justice Issues
  34. Landmark Judgements

Appendix A - The Protection of Human Rights Act, 1993

Appendix B - National Human Rights Commission

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Thomson Reuter's Human Rights and Comparative Criminal Law by Dr. Souvik Chatterji

  • Rs595.00

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