International Trade Law book by Niharika Vij provides incisive insight into rules set out under the multilateral trade Agreements forming part of the World Trade Organisations legal framework. Not only the author spanned the breadth of the key provisions across the various agreements, she has also delved into the interpretation of the rules as set forth in the WTO/GATT Jurisprudence. The increasingly global Nature of Corporate operation requires that companies take into consideration the impact & utility of such measures while preparing market strategies. This book offers useful guidance.
- Birth of GATT, 1947
- GAT 1947 and GATT 1994
- World Trade Organisation
- Developing Countries and GATT/ WTO
- Agreement on Agriculture
- Agreement on Sanitary and Phytosanitary Measures
- Agreement on Technical Barriers to Trade
- Agreement on Trade - Related Investment Measures
- Agreement on Subsidies and Countervailing Measures
- Anti-Dumping Agreement
- Agreement on Safeguards
- General Agreement on Trade in Services
- Ongoing Multilateral Negitiations
- Consultation, Nullification and Impairment of Benefits
- Dispute Settlement
- Enforcement and Remedies
Universal's International Trade Law by Niharika Vij | LexisNexis
- Publisher: Universal Law Publishing Co.
- Book Code: 9789351437635
- Availability: 10
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Tags: Universal Law Publishing, International Trade Law, Niharika Vij, LexisNexis, International Trade Law by Niharika Vij, International Trade Law by Universal Law Publishing, International Trade Law by vij, Universal's International Trade Law, 9789351437635, international trade law for BALLB & LLB, International Trade Law by LexisNexis