This is a book on Commentary on Muslim Law In India (2nd Edn Oct. 2015) by Manzar Saeed, Orient Publishing Company, Ajit Law book Depot, Pune, 9788187197722. In India, whole of pure Islamik law is not applied. It is not a cooman law in India. It is applied by Indian courts to Muslin in cerain classes of matters, such as question relating to inheritance, marriage, divorce etc. Shariat or Islamic Law of evidence, Law of Crimes and law of Contract, etc arenot Applied at all to Muslims in India.
- Sources of Muslim Law
- Schools of Muslim Law
- Application of Muslim Law in India
- Statutes applicable to Muslims
- Persons to whom Muslim law is applicable
- Promulgation of or conversion to Islam
- Sects and sub-sects under Muslim Law
- On marriage
- On Dower (Mahr)
- On Dissolution of Marriage
- On Maintenance
- On Parentage and Legitimacy of Children
- On Guardianship
- On Succession and Inheritance
- On Hanafi Law of Inheritance
- On Shia Law of Inheritance
- On Wills (Wasiyat)
- On Gifts
- On Waqf
- On Pre-emtion (Shufaa)
- Death Illness (Marz-ul-Maut)
Commentary on Muslim Law In India by Manzar Saeed, Orient Publishing Company
- Publisher: Orient Publishing Company
- Book Code: 9788187197722
- Availability: 1