This new edition of Company Meetings: Law, Practice and Procedure focuses on the new concepts and amendments brought in by the Companies Act, 2013. It includes guidance on conducting and convening meetings as well as post meeting formalities. It exhaustively deals with the law, procedures and practices relating to all aspects of meetings. This subject becomes more important on account of the fact that the provisions relating to the meetings of members and directors under the Companies Act, 2013 which have become effective from 1 April 2014. The changes introduced by the said Act, such as the attendance by directors in board meetings through video conference and electronic voting in general meetings have been discussed in detail. Since the last edition was published, the Companies Act, 2013 and Rules have undergone quite a few changes and, in particular, new Secretarial Standards SS1 and SS2, concerning board meetings and general meetings respectively, were pronounced effective from 1 October 2017. In addition to this, the major amendments made by SEBI (Listing Obligations and Disclosure Requirements) (Amendment) Regulations, 2018 have also been incorporated.
This edition of the book has attempted to encapsulate all these changes brought by the Companies Act, 2013, along with the principles governing provisions of Companies Act, 2013 laid down by Indian and English case law.
This book caters to the need of all types of companies - private and public, listed and unlisted, and covers all types of meetings. It will be equally useful to company secretaries, lawyers and judges. Moreover, organisations other than companies can also use it as a practical guidebook.
Key Features:
- Contains comprehensive commentary on the law relating to meetings concerning companies under the Companies Act
- Sets out principles governing provisions of Companies Act, 2013 laid down by Indian and English case law
- Includes discussion about the Secretarial Standards SS1 and SS2 and their checklists for compliance are made thereunder
- Focuses on practical aspects of all relevant provisions of the Companies Act and Rules made thereunder, including the major amendments made by SEBI (Listing Obligations and Disclosure Requirements) (Amendment) Regulations, 2018
The Book covers
- Notice of a General Meeting and Explanatory Statement
- Motions and Resolutions
- Quorum at a General Meeting
- Proxies and Representatives at a General Meeting
- Voting at a General Meetings
- Chairman of and Proceedings at a General Meeting
- Adjournment and Postponement of a General Meeting
- Annual General Meeting
- Extra-Ordinary General Meeting
- Meetings of Board of Directors and Committees of Directors
- Minutes of Meetings
- Class Meetings
- Meetings in Respect of Compromises, Arrengement and Amalgamation
- Meetings in Respect of Winding-Up of a Company
- Meetings of Debenture Holders
- Appendices
LexisNexis's Company Meetings: Law, Practice and Procedure [HB] by K. R. Chandratre
- Publisher: LexisNexis
- Book Code: 9788119403172
- Availability: 10
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Tags: LexisNexis, Company Meetings, K. R. Chandratre, Company Meetings by LexisNexis, Company Meetings by Chandratre, Company Meetings Law Practice and Procedure by K. R. Chandratre, 9788119403172, Company Meeting Law Practice & Procedure by LexisNexis, Company Meetings by K. R. Chandratre