Please Note: Price of the book includes Delivery Charge Rs. 65.
This is a small handy practical legal guide to sale and purchase of flats and apartments in simple marathi language. It discusses the problem or mistakes that can occur and the ways to tackle them.
- The legal contract - agreements for building or buying new homes.
- Registration process for buying flats and aparments or building new homes.
- Consumer Court Cases by builders and developers.
- Rights of members of co-operative housing societies.
- Leave - License Agreements and Contracts.
- Rental Agreements.
Manorama Prakashan's Ghar - Sadanika Bandhatana Va Vikat Ghetanna Konti Kalji Ghyal ? Practical Guide to Sale & Purchase of Flat & Apartments in Marathi by Adv. Shrinivas Ghaisas
- Publisher: Manorama Prakashan
- Book Code: MNP010
- Availability: 12
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