  • Snow White Publication's Maharashtra Land Revenue Code, 1966 (MLRC) by Adv. Sunil Dighe
Contents of the Book:
  • Part A : The Maharashtra Land Revenue Code, 1966
  1. Preliminary
  2. Revenue Officers : Their Powers and Duties
  3. Of  Lands
  4. Of Land Revenue
  5. Revenue Surveys
  6. Assessment and Settlement of Land Revenue of Agricultural Land
  7. Assessment and Settlement of land revenue of lands Used for non-Agricultural Purposes
  8. Of LAnds within the sites of Villages, Towns and Cities
  9. Boundary and boundary Marks
  10. Land Records
  11. Realisation of Land revenue and other Revenue Demands
  12. Procedure of Revenue Officers
  13. Appeals. Revision and review
  14. Special Provisions for Land Revenue in the City of Bombay
  15. Maharashtra Revenue Tribunal
  16. Miscellaneous
  • Part II : Appendices
  • Part III : Important Notifications, Government resolutions, Circulars


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Snow White Publication's Maharashtra Land Revenue Code, 1966 (MLRC) by Adv. Sunil Dighe

  • Rs1,595.00

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Tags: Maharashtra Land Revenue Code 1966 by Snow White, MLRC 1966 book by Sunil Dighe, MLRC by Snow White Publication, SW011, MLRC Books 2022, Maharashtra Land Revenue Code by Sunil Dighe, MLRC by Dighe