  • Universal's A Treatise On the Right to Information [RTI] Act by Dr. Anshu Jain

Every liberal democracy nowadays is moving towards a culture of a openness and India is no exception to this trend. As a matter of fact, this concept of an open government emanates directly from Article19(1)(a) of the Constitution of India guaranteeing the freedom of speech and expression subject to certain reasonable restrictions. This being so, the right to information assumes greater importance now than ever before. Every citizen should responsibly make use of this right and participate in the functioning of the government. This book has been worded in a simple, yet lucid style which allows the reader not only to easily understand the salient features of the Right to Information Act, 2005, but also be aware of the latest developments leading to the passage of the Act in India as well as the global perspective in this regard has also been discussed in detail in the book, which has been systematically divided into nine broad chapters. The book intends to be of immense assistance to students, scholars, researchers and all those who wish to know more about the theoretical (normative) as well as the practical (functional) aspects pertaining to transparency issues in the country.

  1. Introdunction.
  2. Right To Information- The Global Perspective.
  3. Historical Background of the Right to Information Act, 2005.
  4. Salient Features.
  5. The Information Commissions - Role & Responsibilities .
  6. Woking of Central & State Information Commission.
  7. Increasing AMBIT & Amplitude  of Right to Information Act, 2005.
  8. Challanges in the Effective Implementation of Right to Information Act, 2005.
  9. Conclusion & Suggetion.

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Universal's A Treatise On the Right to Information [RTI] Act by Dr. Anshu Jain

  • Rs650.00

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Tags: Right to Information, Universal Law Publishing