- Protection of Women from Domestic Violence Act 2005 (43 of 2005
- Law for Protection of Women against Violence
- Protection of Women from Domestic Violence Rule 2006
- Landmark Judgments of Supreme Court and High Courts on : Relationship in the Nature of Marriage Inter caste Marriages Live-in-Relationship Proof of Marriage Crime against Women Maintenance Domestic Violence
a] Relationship in the Nature of Marriage
b] Intercaste Marriages.
c] Live- in- Relationship
d] Proof Of Marriage.
e] Crime Against Women
f] Maintenance.
g] Domestic Violence
Lawmann's Married but Not Legally Wed: Laws for Protection of Women from Domestic Violence by Dr. Charu Walikhana & Jotika Kalra | Kamal Publisher
- Publisher: Kamal Publishers
- Book Code: 9789385444180
- Availability: 10