VN Shukla’s Constitution of India has proven itself, over thirteen editions, to be the most authoritative and respected academic book on the Constitution of India. Its authoritative exposition of the law has established it at the foremost rank of classical legal textbooks.
This new edition has been thoroughly revised and updated by Prof. (Dr) Mahendra Pal Singh taking into account the developments since the publication of the previous edition. The current edition includes a detailed analysis of the latest Constitutional Amendments [Constitution (102nd Amendment) Act, 2018; Constitution (103rd Amendment) Act, 2019; Constitution (104th Amendment) Act, 2019; Constitution (105th Amendment) Act, 2021] and landmark Supreme Court decisions such as Common Cause v. Union of India (right of passive euthanasia) [(2018) 5 SCC 1]; Navtej Singh Johar v. Union of India (LGBTQI+ rights) [(2018) 10 SCC 1]; Jaishri Laxmanrao Patil v. State of Maharashtra (Maratha Reservation case) [(2021) 8 SCC 1]; Rojer Mathew v. South Indian Bank Ltd., [(2020) 6 SCC 1], etc.
This book has been an ideal study and reference companion for students and practitioners alike and is frequently cited by courts. The Supreme Court of India cited the 11th Edition in Indian Medical Association v. Union of India, [(2011) 7 SCC 179]; the 10th Edition in Rameshwar Prasad (VI) v. Union of India, [(2006) 2 SCC 1] and the 7th Edition in Umaji Keshao Meshram v. Radhikabai, [1986 Supp SCC 401] while the Constitutional Court of South Africa cited the 9th Edition in Ntandazeli Fose v. Minister of Safety and Security, [1997 SCC OnLine ZACC 6].
This book will be immensely valuable for law students, professors, judges, practitioners, government officials, NGOs and anyone interested in learning about Indian Constitutional law.
- Part I - The Union And Its Territory
- Part Ii - Citizenship
- Part Iii - Fundamental Rights
- Part Iv - Directive Principles Of State Policy
- Part V - The Union
- Part Vi - The States
- Part Vii - The States In Part B Of The First Schedule
- Part Viii - The Union Territories
- Part Ix - The Panchayats
- Part X - The Scheduled And Tribal Areas
- Part Xi - Relations Between The Union And The States
- Part Xii - Finance, Property, Contracts And Suits
- Part Xiii - Trade, Commerce And Intercourse Within The Territory Of India
- Part Xiv - Services Under The Union And The States
- Part Xiv-a - Tribunals
- Part Xv - Elections
- Part Xvi - Special Provisions Relating To Certain Classes
- Part Xvii - Official Language
- Part Xviii - Emergency Provisions
- Part Xix - Miscellaneous
- Part Xx - Amendment Of The Constitution
- Part Xx I - Temporary, Transitional And Special Provisions
- Part Xx Ii - Short Title, Commencement, Authoritative Text In Hindi And Repeals
- First Schedule
- Second Schedule
- Third Schedule
- Fourth Schedule
- Fifth Schedule
- Sixth Schedule
- Seventh Schedule
- Eighth Schedule
- Ninth Schedule
- Tenth Schedule
- Eleventh Schedule
- Twelfth Schedule
Subject Index
EBC's Constitution of India by V. N. Shukla, Mahendra Pal Singh
- Publisher: Eastern Book Company [EBC]
- Book Code: 9789394364998
- Availability: 10
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