1. Immovable Property 2. What Property is Transferable? 3. General Rules Regarding Transfer of Property 4. Vested and Confingent Interest 5. Transfers with conditions 6. Election and appointment 7. Certain Equitable Rules when rights Conflict 8. Undivided Ownership 9. Doctrine of Part Performance 10. Sale of Immovable Property 11. Different Kinds of Mortgage 12. General Considerations in Relatikion to Mortgages 13. Rights of Mortgagees 14. The Rights of the Mortgagor 15. Rights of a Mortgagee Against Other Mortgagees 16. Charges 17. Merger 18. Miscellaneous 19. Leases 20. Exchanges 21. Gifts 22. Actiionable Claims 23. The Law Relating to Easements 24. The Law Relating to Trusts 25. Law Relating to Wills
Eastern Book Company's Law of Transfer of Property by Vepa P. Sarathi, Mallika Taly