The book is a veritable commentary on the law and procedure of the Patent Laws in India; the law as enacted in the Patents Act, 1970 as amended by the Tribunal Reforms Act, 2021, following the Urguary round of multilateral negotiations under the General Agreement of Tariffs and Trade (GATT), the agreement on trade related aspects of Intellectual Property Rights (The TRIPS) which came into force on January1, 1995, and the procedure as prescribed in the Patent Rules, 2003 as amended by the Patent (Amendment) Rules, 2021 inter alia in order to keep them in line with international trends and requirements
Commercial's Law of Patents and Trade Secret by D. P. Mittal
- Publisher: Commercial Law Publisher
- Book Code: 9789392141850
- Availability: 10
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Tags: Commercial Law Publisher, Law of Patents, Trade Secret, Patent, D. P. Mittal