- Introduction
- Evolutionary Phases and Legal Perspective of Humanitarian Law
- International Humanitarian Law: Meaning, Nature and Concept
- International Establishment for Protection and care under Humanitarian Law
- Concept of "Jus in Bello" and "Jus ad Bellun"
- Geneva Convention I: For the Amelioration of the Condition of the Wounded and sick in Armed Forces in the Field 1949
- Geneva Convention II: Protection and Card of Wounded, Sick and Shipwrecked Members of Armed Forces at Sea under 1949
- Geneva Convention III: Treatment of Prisoners of War, 1949
- Geneva Convention IV: Convention relating to the Protection of Civilian Persons in Times of War, 1949
- Additional Protocol to Geneva Conventions of 1949
- International Criminal Court
- The Means and Methods of Warfare
- Refugee Protection and the Legal Implications
UBH's International Humanitarian Law by Dr. Sujata Sirkeck Verma
- Publisher: University Book House (Pvt.) Ltd.
- Book Code: 9788181983763
- Availability: Out Of Stock
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