One Night @ The Call Center, first published in the year 2005, is a novel that follows a group of six friends who work at a call centre in India. The story unfurls events that occur during a night at their office, radically changing all their lives. The book asserts that it is based on a true story. The six characters in the book are deeply disturbed by their own troubles, but rather than finding solutions to their problems, they just get more entangled in them due to their refusal to deal with their issues. An unexpected phone call stirs up feelings of motivation and enables them to face their difficulties. The characters are well etched and Bhagat peppers the novel with his trademark humor.
About the Author:
Chetan Bhagat became extremely popular following the release of his debut novel, Five Point Someone. He has also written other bestselling novels such as
- The 3 Mistakes Of My Life,
- 2 States, The Story Of My Marriage
- Revolution 2020: Love, Corruption, Ambition, and
- What Young India Wants.
- 5 Point Someone
He was born on the 22nd of April, 1974, and graduated from the Indian Institute Of Technology (IIT), Delhi. Bhagat gave up his career in investment banking after tasting success as a writer and devoted his entire time to the profession.
Chetan Bhagat's One Night @ Call Center (2005) Rupa & Co.
- Publisher: Rupa Publications
- Book Code: 9788129108180
- Availability: 10