With Short Notes, Rules, Notifications, Government Resolutions, Circulars & Guidelines For Valuation-2011
[Second Edition]
- The Registration Act, 1908.
- The Births, Death & Marriages Registration Act, 1886.
- The Registration of Births & Deaths Act, 1969.
- The Societies Registration Act, 1860.
- The Indian Partnership Act, 1932.
- The Bombay Nursing Homes Registration Act, 1949.
- The Maharashtra Regulation of Marriage Bureaus & Registration of Marriages Act, 1998.
- Guidlines For Valuation - 2011
- Recommendations of Law Commission
Adv. U. P. Deopujari's Registration Laws in Maharashtra [HB] by Nagpur Law House
- Publisher: Nagpur Law House
- Book Code: NLP003
- Availability: 50