Mahiti Pravah Publication
Guide to Minority Development [Marathi- Alpsankhyank Vikas Margdarshika] by Deepak Puri | Mahiti Pravah Publication
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Landmark Judgments & Amendments [Marathi] by Deepak Puri | Mahiti Pravah Publication
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Mahiti Pravah Publicatio's Grampanchayat Schemes/Yojna [Marathi-ग्रामपंचायत योजना] by Deepak Puri [Edn. 2022]
Please Note: Price of the book is Rs. 60 + Delivery Charge Rs. 50...
Mahiti Pravah Publication's 7/12 Extract & Land Mutation [Marathi] |सात बारा फेरफार नोंदी व दुरुस्ती | Saat Bara Ferfar Nondi v Durusti by Deepak Puri
Please Note: Price of the book includes Delivery Charge Rs. 60.7/12 Extract & Land Mutation [..
Mahiti Pravah Publication's Aagari Samaj | Aagari Society [Marathi] | आगरी समाज by Deepak Puri
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Mahiti Pravah Publication's Atikraman Niymit Karne [Marathi-अतिक्रमण नियमित करणे] by Deepak Puri | Regulating Encroachment
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Mahiti Pravah Publication's Atrocity [Marathi - अट्रोसिटी] by Deepak Puri | The Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes (Prevention of Atrocities) Act, 1989
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Mahiti Pravah Publication's Banjara Samaj [Marathi] | बंजारा समाज By Deepak Puri
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Mahiti Pravah Publication's Bhogwatadar Varga - 2 / नवीन अविभाज्य शर्त जमिन & Aadivasi Land Sale Pre-Permissions by Mr. Deepak Puri [Marathi-भोगवटादार वर्ग-२, नवीन अविभाज्य शर्त जमीन व आदिवासी जमीन खरेदी विक्री पूर्व परवानगी]
Please Note: Price of the book includes Delivery Charge Rs. 85.This book explains the bhogwatadar..
Mahiti Pravah Publication's Bhumi Abhilekh Kshetra Durusti, Takrar, Karyvahi v Appeal [Marathi] by Deepak Puri
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Mahiti Pravah Publication's Chambhar Samaj | चांभार समाज in Marathi by Deepak Puri
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Mahiti Pravah Publication's Complaint [Marathi] | तक्रार | Takrar by Deepak Puri
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Mahiti Pravah Publication's Delay In Discharge Of Official Duties Act, 2006 [Marathi-Daptar Dirangai Kayada] by Deepak Puri | दप्तर दिरंगाई कायदा २००६
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Mahiti Pravah Publication's Dhangar Samaj [Marathi] | धनगर समाज by Deepak Puri
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Mahiti Pravah Publication's Forest Land, Deforestation and Non-forest use of Forest Land [Marathi-वन जमीन, निर्वनीकरण व वनजमिनीचा वापर] by Deepak Puri | Van Jamin, Nirvanikaran v Vanjaminicha Vapar
Price of book includes courier charges Rs. 85/- ..
Mahiti Pravah Publication's Gift Deed [Marathi - बक्षीसपत्र] by Deepak Puri | Bakshispatra
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Mahiti Pravah Publication's Grampanchayat Committees, Composition, Powers and Functions [Marathi-ग्रामपंचायत समित्या, रचना, अधिकार व कामे] by Deepak Puri
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Mahiti Pravah Publication's Grampanchayat Funds, Tenders, Contracts and Audit [Marathi-ग्रामपंचायत निधी, टेंडर, कंत्राटे व ऑडिट ] by Deepak Puri [Edn. 2023]
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Mahiti Pravah Publication's Grampanchayat Karbhar [Marathi - ग्रामपंचायत कारभार] by Deepak Puri [Edn. 2022]
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Mahiti Pravah Publication's Guide to Easements & Rights to Use Roads & Demarcation of Boundaries in Marathi by Deepak Puri | वहिवाट / रस्ता केस | Vahivat [Edn. 2022]
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Mahiti Pravah Publication's Guide to N. A. & Encroachment with Important GR & Circulars [Marathi] by Deepak Puri
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Mahiti Pravah Publication's Guide to N. A. Layout, Ploting-Building & RERA Rules [Marathi] | एन. ए. ले आउट, प्लॉटींग-बांधकाम व रेरा नियम पुस्तिका by Deepak Puri
Please Note: Price of the book is Rs. 120 + Delivery Charge Rs. 65...
Mahiti Pravah Publication's Guide to Working of Home Ministry [Marathi] | गृहशाखा कामकाज कार्यपद्धती | Gruhshakha Kamkaj Karypaddhati by Deepak Puri
Please Note: Price of the book includes Delivery Charge Rs. 45.Guide to Working of Home Ministry ..
Mahiti Pravah Publication's Handbook on Formation of Various Committees & It's Working [Marathi] | समित्यांची रचना व कार्य by Deepak Puri
Please Note: Price of the book includes Delivery Charge Rs. 45.Handbook on Formation of Various C..
Mahiti Pravah Publication's Inam v Watan Jamin [Marathi-इनाम व वतन जमीन] by Deepak Puri [Edn. 2022]
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Mahiti Pravah Publication's Jaminiche Record v Nondi [जमिनीचे रेकॉर्ड व नोंदी ] in Marathi by Deepak Puri [Edn. 2022]
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Mahiti Pravah Publication's Koli Samaj [Marathi] | कोळी समाज by Deepak Puri
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Mahiti Pravah Publication's Konte Kam Kiti Diwasat Zale Pahije Yacha Kayda | कोणते काम किती दिवसात झाले पाहिजे याचा कायदा in Marathi by Deepak Puri
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Mahiti Pravah Publication's Kosti Samaj [Marathi] | कोष्टी समाज by Deepak Puri
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Mahiti Pravah Publication's Land demand proposal for Co-operative Housing Society [Marathi- Sahkari Gruhnirman Sansthesathi Jamin Magni Prastav] by Deepak Puri
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Mahiti Pravah Publication's Land Measurement [Marathi] | मोजणी | Mojni by Deepak Puri | Mojani
Please Note: Price of the book includes Delivery Charge Rs. 60.Land Measurement [Marathi] | मोजणी..
Mahiti Pravah Publication's Legal Guide to Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) in Marathi by Deepak Sadashiv Puri (NGO Guide)
Book PricePrice of the book is Rs. 1260/-Delivery will be free through Post/Courier.About the book:..
Rs1,259.00 Rs1,260.00
Mahiti Pravah Publication's Legal Guide to Encroachment [Marathi-अतिक्रमण ] | Atikraman by Deepak Puri
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Mahiti Pravah Publication's Legal Guide to Joint Property & Partition [Marathi- Vatap Khatefod] by Deepak Puri
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Mahiti Pravah Publication's Legal Handbook on Gunthewari, Gaonthan (Village Area) and Prevention of Fragmentation GR & Circulars [Marathi-गावठाण-गुंठेवारी-तुकडेबंदी ] by Deepak Puri | Gunthewari, Gaonthan v Tukdebandi
Please Note: Price of the book includes Delivery Charge Rs. 85. ..
Mahiti Pravah Publication's Legal Handbook on Relinquishment Deeds (Hakksodpatra-हक्कसोडपत्र-Marathi) by Deepak Puri
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Mahiti Pravah Publication's Mahar Samaj [Marathi] | महार समाज by Deepak Puri
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Mahiti Pravah Publication's Maharashtra Jilha Parishad v Panchayat Samiti Adhiniyam 1961 [Marathi] by Deepak Puri
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Mahiti Pravah Publication's Maharashtra Nagarparishada, Nagarpanchayati v Audyogik Nagari Adhiniyam 1965 [Marathi] by Deepak Puri
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Mahiti Pravah Publication's Maharashtra Tenancy Act [Marathi] | कुळकायदा | Kulkayda by Deepak Puri [Edn. 2022]
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Mahiti Pravah Publication's Mahatvache Arj Namune v Draft [Marathi-महत्त्वाचे अर्ज नमुने व ड्राफ्ट] by Deepak Puri |Important Application Samples and Drafts
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Mahiti Pravah Publication's Mahsul Kaydyatil Tartudi [Marathi-महसूल कायद्यातील तरतुदी] by Deepak Puri | Provisions of Revenue Act
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Mahiti Pravah Publication's Mali Samaj | माळी समाज by Deepak Puri
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Mahiti Pravah Publication's Maratha Samaj Parichay v Vikas Pustika [Marathi] by Deepak Puri
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Mahiti Pravah Publication's Maratha Samaj [Marathi] | मराठा समाज by Deepak Puri
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Mahiti Pravah Publication's Matang Samaj [Marathi] | मातंग समाज by Deepak Puri
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Mahiti Pravah Publication's Municipalties Election Rules [Marathi] | Nagarparishad - Nagarpanchayat Nivdnuk Niyam
Please Note: Price of the book includes Delivery Charge Rs. 45.Municipalties Election Rules [Mara..
Mahiti Pravah Publication's Nabhik Samaj [Marathi] |नाभिक समाज by Deepak Puri
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Mahiti Pravah Publication's NagarSevak Guide [Marathi-नगरसेवक गाईड ] by Deepak Puri
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Mahiti Pravah Publication's NGO Guide 1: NGO / Organization Management (Marathi- एन. जी. ओ. /संस्था व्यवस्थापन ) by Deepak Puri | NGO/Sanstha Vyavasthapan
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Mahiti Pravah Publication's NGO Guide 2: 12A, 8G, ISO, FCRA, Niti Aayog | नीती आयोग (Marathi) by Deepak Puri
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Mahiti Pravah Publication's NGO Guide 3: Cowshed Permits, Grants and Proposals (Marathi-गो-शाळा परवानगी, अनुदान व प्रस्ताव) by Deepak Puri | Goshala Parvangi Anudan v Prastav
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Mahiti Pravah Publication's NGO Guides Part 1,2,3,4 (Marathi-एन.जी.ओ.) by Deepak Puri
NGO Guide 1 (Marathi-एन.जी.ओ. / संस्था व्यवस्थापन) NGO Guide 2: 12A, 8G, ISO, FCRA, Niti Aayog ..
Mahiti Pravah Publication's OBC: Other Backward Class [Marathi-इतर मागास वर्ग] by Deepak Puri | Eter Magas Verg
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Mahiti Pravah Publication's Our Society [Marathi - आपली सोसायटी | Aapli Society] by Deepak Puri
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Mahiti Pravah Publication's Proposal for Land Acquisition / Leasehold [Marathi] by Deepak Puri | Bhogadhikar / Bhadepattyane Jamin Magni Prastav
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Mahiti Pravah Publication's Proposal for Regularization of Encroachments on Gaayran Land [Marathi] by Deepak Puri | शेतीसाठी गायरान जमिनीवर झालेली अतिक्रमणे नियमित करण्याचा प्रस्ताव
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Mahiti Pravah Publication's Proposal for Regularizing Rural and Urban Encroachments [Marathi] by Deepak Puri | ग्रामीण भागातील निवासी व वाणिज्य अतिक्रमणे नियमित करण्याचा प्रस्ताव
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Mahiti Pravah Publication's Proposal to Regulate Encroachment on Government Land for Agriculture [Marathi] by Deepak Puri | शेतीसाठी शासकीय पड जमिनीवर झालेली अतिक्रमणे नियमित करण्याचा प्रस्ताव
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Mahiti Pravah Publication's Real Estate Guide [RERA Marathi -रियल इस्टेट गाईड] by Deepak Puri
Please Note: Price of the book is Rs. 740/- Charge Rs. 95...
Mahiti Pravah Publication's Right to Information | माहिती अधिकार | Mahiti Adhikar [Marathi] by Deepak Puri
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Mahiti Pravah Publication's Sale and Purchase of Property [Marathi] | प्रॉपर्टी खरेदी विक्री | Property Kharedi Vikri by Deepak Puri
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Mahiti Pravah Publication's Scheduled Castes [Marathi-अनुसूचित जाती] by Deepak Puri | Anusuchit Jati
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Mahiti Pravah Publication's Scheme [Marathi - योजना] | Yojna by Deepak Puri
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Mahiti Pravah Publication's Schemes for Farmers [Marathi - Shetkaryansathi Yojna] by Deepak Puri
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Mahiti Pravah Publication's Subsidy Scheme for Industries and Businesses in Marathi [उद्योग व्यवसायांसाठी अर्थसहाय्य अनुदान योजना] by Deepak Puri
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Mahiti Pravah Publication's Teli Samaj [Marathi] | तेली समाज by Deepak Puri
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Mahiti Pravah Publication's Tribal Land-Clan-Land-Sealing Land : Important GR & Circulars [Marathi-आदिवासी जमीन-कुळ-जमीन-सिलींग जमीन] by Deepak Puri
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Mahiti Pravah Publication's Vadar Samaj [Marathi] | वडार समाज by Deepak Puri
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Mahiti Pravah Publication's Vanhakk Manyata v Vanetar Upyog / Nirvanikar [Marathi] by Deepak Puri
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Mahiti Pravah Publication's Vanjari Samaj Parichay V Vikas in Marathi by Deepak Puri
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Varsanche Hakk v Varasnond [Marathi - वारसांचे हक्क व वारस नोंद] by Deepak Puri | Mahiti Pravah Publication
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