
Accounting Standards

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Bharat's Practical Guide to Ind-AS & IFRS 2023 by CA. Kamal Garg

Bharat's Practical Guide to Ind-AS & IFRS 2023 by CA. Kamal Garg

DIVISION IChapter 1          IFRS and Ind AS: An O..


Bharat's Treatise on Schedule III (A guide for preparation of Financial Statements F. Y. 2022-23) by CA. (Dr.) Alok K. Garg [Edn. 2023]

Bharat's Treatise on Schedule III (A guide for preparation of Financial Statements F. Y. 2022-23) by CA. (Dr.) Alok K. Garg [Edn. 2023]

Contents: Chapter 1      Schedule III of the Companies Act 2013 –..


Bloomsbury's Accounting under Ind AS: An Illustrative Manual by CA. Santosh Maller

Bloomsbury's Accounting under Ind AS: An Illustrative Manual by CA. Santosh Maller

Ind AS transition has resulted in high-quality, principles-based, globally comparable financial repo..



Bloomsbury's An Illustrated Guide to Business Valuation by B. D. Chatterjee

Bloomsbury's An Illustrated Guide to Business Valuation by B. D. Chatterjee

In the complex world of business today, valuation has become an integral part of every sphere of day..

Rs1,950.00 Rs2,299.00

Bloomsbury's Corporate Financial Reporting by B. D. Chatterjee

Bloomsbury's Corporate Financial Reporting by B. D. Chatterjee

The regulatory environment in India is governed by various statutory authorities. In today's parl..


Bloomsbury's Practical Approach to Ind AS implementation (Illustrations, Summary and Comparisons) by CA. Sarika Gosain, CA. Rajesh Gosain [2 HB Volumes]

Bloomsbury's Practical Approach to Ind AS implementation (Illustrations, Summary and Comparisons) by CA. Sarika Gosain, CA. Rajesh Gosain [2 HB Volumes]

This book covers provisions of Ind AS in two volumes. The first volume contains 42 chapters compre..


Bloomsbury's Preparing Financial Statements under Schedule III [Ind AS and Indian Gap] by CA. Ambalika Singh

Bloomsbury's Preparing Financial Statements under Schedule III [Ind AS and Indian Gap] by CA. Ambalika Singh

Preparing Financial Statements under Schedule III: Ind AS and Indian GAAP is a book that is useful..


Bloomsbury's Treatise on Ind AS by CA. Alok K. Garg [Edn. 2023]

Bloomsbury's Treatise on Ind AS by CA. Alok K. Garg [Edn. 2023]

“Treatise on Ind AS” allows its readers to dive into the depth of Indian Accounting Standards (Ind A..


Bloomsbury’s Guide to Understanding Financial Statements by B. D. Chatterjee

Bloomsbury’s Guide to Understanding Financial Statements by B. D. Chatterjee

Highlights:– Lucid commentary on interpretation of Financial Statements,– Deep dive into the Buildin..


CCH's Financial Instruments as per Ind AS (Accounting, Reporting, Presentation and Disclosures) by CA. R. Venkata Subramani

CCH's Financial Instruments as per Ind AS (Accounting, Reporting, Presentation and Disclosures) by CA. R. Venkata Subramani

Financial instrument is probably the most complex topic in the entire literature of accountin..


CCH's Judicial Trends in Transfer Pricing : A Comprehensive Analysis [HB]

CCH's Judicial Trends in Transfer Pricing : A Comprehensive Analysis [HB]

Key Features :   Only book covering judicial trends in Indian Transfer Pricing ..


CCH's Recent Developments in Transfer Pricing in India [HB]

CCH's Recent Developments in Transfer Pricing in India [HB]

Since its inception in India in 2001 there have been significant changes in Transfer Pricing Regulat..


CCH's Transfer Pricing in India Since Inception to BEPS by S. C. Mishra

CCH's Transfer Pricing in India Since Inception to BEPS by S. C. Mishra

Contents of the book:International Business And Intra-Group RelationsObjects Of Enquiry Into Intra-G..


CCH's Transfer Pricing Law and Practice in India- A Fine Print Analysis & Detailed Analysis | Deloitte

CCH's Transfer Pricing Law and Practice in India- A Fine Print Analysis & Detailed Analysis | Deloitte

The Book embodies an exhaustive commentary on the law as well as recent updates in transfer prici..


Commercial's Ind AS Practices Demystified by CA. Santosh Maller [Edn. 2023]

Commercial's Ind AS Practices Demystified by CA. Santosh Maller [Edn. 2023]

PART I: IND AS SUMMARIES 1.      Ind AS 1: Presentation of Financial ..


Commercial's Ind AS Simplified by CA. Anand J. Banka [2022 HB Edn.]

Commercial's Ind AS Simplified by CA. Anand J. Banka [2022 HB Edn.]

This book is an attempt to make the understanding of the Ind AS simple through lucid explanations ..


LexisNexis's India Transfer Pricing Manual-Transfer Pricing Challenges and Opportunities by Steef Huibregtse and Virender Dutt Sharma

LexisNexis's India Transfer Pricing Manual-Transfer Pricing Challenges and Opportunities by Steef Huibregtse and Virender Dutt Sharma

India Transfer Pricing Manual is a practical guide to transfer pricing in India. This book addres..


Lexisnexis's Profesional's Guide to Domestic Transfer Pricing by Sunny Kishore Bilaney

Lexisnexis's Profesional's Guide to Domestic Transfer Pricing by Sunny Kishore Bilaney

Profesional's Guide to Domestic Transfer Pricing is the most lucid and to the point analysis of..


LexisNexis's Transfer Pricing Audit Practices in India [HB] by Dr. M. S. Vasan

LexisNexis's Transfer Pricing Audit Practices in India [HB] by Dr. M. S. Vasan

Transfer Pricing Audit Practices in India  attempts to disentangle the complex web of transf..


OakBridge's Rising Relevance of Quality Control & Bureau of Indian Standards by Himanshu Tewari

OakBridge's Rising Relevance of Quality Control & Bureau of Indian Standards by Himanshu Tewari

An easy-to-read and understandable collection that touches on essential parts of BIS quality control..


Oakbridge's Transfer Pricing in India Principles and Practice [HB] by O. P. Yadav

Oakbridge's Transfer Pricing in India Principles and Practice [HB] by O. P. Yadav

Transfer Pricing In India: Principles and Practice covers a gamut of Issues relating to the implem..


Oakbridge’s The Theory of Inverse Logic in Forensic Accounting by Chetan Dalal

Oakbridge’s The Theory of Inverse Logic in Forensic Accounting by Chetan Dalal

The Theory of Inverse Logic in Forensic Accounting is the author’s attempt of propounding a new th..


Padhuka's Professional Guide to IND AS 2020 by CA. G. Sekar, CA. B. Saravana Prasath |Commercial Law Publisher

Padhuka's Professional Guide to IND AS 2020 by CA. G. Sekar, CA. B. Saravana Prasath |Commercial Law Publisher

Contents Part A – General/Financial Statements Companies (Indian Accounting Standards) Rules 2015C..


Snow White Publication's Indian Accounting Standards (Ind-AS) with CD by Dolphy D'Souza [3 Vols. Edn. 2023]

Snow White Publication's Indian Accounting Standards (Ind-AS) with CD by Dolphy D'Souza [3 Vols. Edn. 2023]

As Amended by the Companies (Indian Accounting Standards) Amendment Rules, 2020 All chapters re..


Taxmann Publication's Illustrated Guide to Income Computation & Disclosure Standards (ICDS) by CA. Naveen Wadhwa, CA. Parvesh Chahal

Taxmann Publication's Illustrated Guide to Income Computation & Disclosure Standards (ICDS) by CA. Naveen Wadhwa, CA. Parvesh Chahal

Incorporating :Comprehensive para-wise analysis of all ICDSNumerous illustrations on all complicated..


Taxmann's Accounting Standards [AS] by Taxmann's Editorial Board [Edn. 2023]

Taxmann's Accounting Standards [AS] by Taxmann's Editorial Board [Edn. 2023]

Accounting Standards (AS) contains the updated Accounting Standards Rules, 2021, notified under the ..


Taxmann's Domestic Transfer Pricing - Legal Analysis, Practical Solutions and Procedural Guidance by CA. Nilesh Patel

Taxmann's Domestic Transfer Pricing - Legal Analysis, Practical Solutions and Procedural Guidance by CA. Nilesh Patel

A Practical Guide to Domestic Transfer Pricing incorporating Case Studies, Specimens (of Transfer..


Taxmann's Guide to Ind AS under MAT by CA. Santosh Maller

Taxmann's Guide to Ind AS under MAT by CA. Santosh Maller

Incorporating :MAT treatment for Ind AS adjustments and first-time adoption options (As per Finance ..


Taxmann's Guide to Indian Accounting Standards [Ind AS in 2 Vols. 2020 Edition]

Taxmann's Guide to Indian Accounting Standards [Ind AS in 2 Vols. 2020 Edition]

This book is a guide to Indian Accounting Standards with ‘Basis for Conclusion’, ‘Illustrative Examp..


Taxmann's Illustrated Guide to Indian Accounting Standards [Ind AS] by B. D. Chatterjee, Jinender Jain [HB Edn. 2023]

Taxmann's Illustrated Guide to Indian Accounting Standards [Ind AS] by B. D. Chatterjee, Jinender Jain [HB Edn. 2023]

This book provides a comprehensive commentary on the Indian Accounting Standards (Ind ASs) ..


Taxmann's Indian Accounting Standards (IND AS) 2023

Taxmann's Indian Accounting Standards (IND AS) 2023

View Contents: Indian Accounting Standards (Ind AS)Indian Accounting Standards (Ind AS) contains the..


Taxmann's Law of Transfer Pricing in India by Adv. D. P. Mittal

Taxmann's Law of Transfer Pricing in India by Adv. D. P. Mittal

Transfer pricing is the most contentious tax issue, fact-intensive and judgmental, involving difficu..


Thomson Reuter's A Practical Approach to Arm’s Length Pricing by Smarak Swain

Thomson Reuter's A Practical Approach to Arm’s Length Pricing by Smarak Swain

A Practical Approach to Arm’s Length Pricing provides a hands-on and technical guide to niche issues..


Wolters Kluwer's Tangible Guide to Intangibles Identification, Valuation, Taxation & Transfer Pricing by Smarak Swain

Wolters Kluwer's Tangible Guide to Intangibles Identification, Valuation, Taxation & Transfer Pricing by Smarak Swain

This book provides a practical and technical guide to tax treatment and transfer pricing of inta..


Wolters Kluwer’s COVID-19 – Impact on Financial Reporting and Auditing by CA. Kamal Garg [2020 Edn.]

Wolters Kluwer’s COVID-19 – Impact on Financial Reporting and Auditing by CA. Kamal Garg [2020 Edn.]

World Health Organisation (WHO) declared the novel Coronavirus (COVID-19) a pandemic. The financia..


Wolters Kluwer’s Transfer Pricing Theory & Practice: Indian Perspective by CA. Hari Om Jindal (2 HB Vols)

Wolters Kluwer’s Transfer Pricing Theory & Practice: Indian Perspective by CA. Hari Om Jindal (2 HB Vols)

Key Features : The concept of ALP Principle has to change from, “Separate entity approach” to “Grou..


Showing 1 to 53 of 53 (1 Pages)