BSL Books
BBA. LL.B Books
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Maxwell On The Interpretation of Statutes by P. St. J. Langan , LexisNexis Butterworth Wadhwa
This twelfth edition, like its predecessors, proceeds largely by way of examples. A great number of ..
Mayur Books Social and Political Philosophy by O. P. Gauba
Contents:Nature of Social and Political PhilosophyScientific Temper and ProgressState and Sovereignt..
Mukund Prakashan's Administrative Law [Marathi -प्रशासकीय कायदा] by Adv. R. R. Tipnis | Prashaskiy Kayda
Mukund Prakashan's Administrative Law [Marathi] by Adv. R. R. Tipnis. It is useful for L.L.B..
Mukund Prakashan's Criminology & Correctional Administration i.e Penology (Marathi- Gunheshastra v Sudhar Prashasan (Dandshastra)) by Adv. P. R. Chande | गुन्हेशास्त्र व सुधार प्रशासन (दंडशास्त्र)
Please Note: Price of the book includes Delivery Charge Rs. 60.This book contains two parts. Firs..
Mukund Prakashan's Information Technology Act and Rules, 2000 [Marathi] By P. R. Chande | Mahiti Tantradnyan Adhiniyam
Please Note: Price of the book includes Delivery Charge Rs. 60.Contents : Larest Act fo..
Mukund Prakashan's Jurisprudence in Marathi [विधीतत्वमीमांसाशास्त्र] by Adv. R. R. Tipnis | Vidhitattvmimansashastra
Please Note: Price of the book includes Delivery Charge Rs. 60...
Mukund Prakashan's The Arbitration & Conciliation Act, 1996 (Marathi- लवाद व समेट अधिनियम, १९९६) by Adv. R. R. Tipnis & Adv. Darshana R. Tipnis |Lavad v Samet Adhiniyam 1996
Please Note: Price of the book is Rs. 395/- includes Delivery Charge Rs. 80. ..
Mulla's Principles Of Mahomedan Law by Dinshaw Fardunji Mulla for Lexisnexis Publication
Contents of the Book : Introdunction Of Mahomedan Law into India. Conversion To Mahomedanis..
Mulla's The Indian Contract Act by for BSL & LLM by Anirudh Wadhwa | Lexisnexis
Mulla’s Indian Contract Act still stands as the classic textbook on contract law even 95 yea..
Myneni's Public Interest Lawyering Legal Aid & Para Legal Services For LLB / BL By Asia Law House
Contents: Unit - I : Legal Refreshing in Support of Public Interest Litigation Or..
N. S. Bindra's Interpretation of Statutes [IOS - HB] by Amita Dhanda | LexisNexis
This new edition of Bindra's authoritative treatise on Interpretation of Statutes foregrounds the..
Namami Publication's Ancient, Medieval and Modern History of India Multicolor Wall Chart/Poster
Please Note: Price of the Chart includes Delivery Charge Rs. 40...
Narender Gogia & Company's Law of Contracts I & II by Prof. G. C. V. Subba Rao
Incorporates :Indian Contract Act, 1872Specific Relief Act, 1963Sale of Goods Act, 1930Partnership A..
Nasik Law House's The Medical Attendant Rules [Marathi] by Adv. Abhaya Shelkar
Please Note: Price of the book includes Delivery Charge Rs. 60. The Medical Attendant Rules[Mara..
New Era Law Publication's International Relations & Organisations by Dr. S. R. Myneni
Contents: Unit - I : World Community. Unit - II : National Political Power. Unit - III : ..
New Era Law Publisher's Cyber Law In India (Law on Internet) For B.S.L by Dr. Farooq Ahmad
This is a textbook on Cyber Laws (Law on Internet) It is useful for Law, Management & Commerc..
Oakbridge's Technology and Analytics For Law & Justice by Nomesh Bhojkumar Bolia and Surya Prakash B. S.
This unique volume from the DAKSH Centre of Excellence for Law and Technology examines the evolution..
Oakbridge’s Jurisprudence of Privacy by Udayan Mukerji & R. K. Naroola
Jurisprudence of Privacy traces the evolution of the concept of privacy from its narrowest possibl..
Orient Publishing Company's Cyber Crimes Law, Practice & Procedure (Cyber Laws) [HB] by R. P. Kataria & S. K. P Srinivas
Cyber Crimes Law, Practice & Procedure [New Edition, 2018] Alongwith Cyber Evid..
Oxford's A Textbook of Jurisprudence by G. W. Paton
A Textbook of Jurisprudence by G. W. Paton provides for students a detailed and careful examination ..
Oxford's Competition Law For B.S.L & L.L.B by Rechard Whish & David Balley
Richard Whish's Competition Law is the Most Authoritative guide to the Subject. The Author..
Oxford's Cross Statutory Interpretation by John Bell, George Engle
Contents:IntroductionHistoricalJurisprudentialThe Basic Rules StatedThe Basic Rules IllustratedInter..
Oxford's The Conflict of Laws in India - Inter-Territorial and Inter-Personal Conflict [HB] by V. C. Govindaraj
The Conflict of Laws in India not only lucidly examines the inter-territorial conflicts, but also ..
Oxford's The Oxford Handbook of Criminology by Alison Liebling, Shadd Maruna & Lesley McAra
The most comprehensive and authoritative single volume guide to criminology Brings together contri..
Oxford's Working a Democratic Constitution A History of the Indian Experience by Granville Austin
Contents:The Great Constitutional Themes Emerge, 1950-66The Great Constitutional Confrontation, Judi..
Padmini Publication's Local Self Government by Ravi Shinde
This is a book on Local Self Government by Ravi Shinde, Padmini Publication. Contents of..
Parikh's Textbook of Medical Jurisprudence, Forensic Medicine and Toxicology for Classrooms and Courtrooms by B V Subrahmanyam (HB)
Recent topics like the Protection of Children from Sexual Offences Act, 2012, and recent changes..
Pathan's Code of Criminal Procedure, 1973 (Crpc SP Notes) For BA.LL.B & LL.B by Prof. A. U. Pathan | S. P. Law Classes
Please Note: Price of the book is Rs. 280/- _+ Delivery Charge Rs. 85.Contents:Code of Criminal Proc..
Pathan's Equity and Trust Law for BA. LL.B & LL.B Students by Prof. A. U. Pathan | S. P. Law Classes (CBCS 2023 SP Notes) | Choice Based Credit System
Please Note: Price of the book includes Delivery Charge Rs. 80...
Pathan's Macro Economics Policies And Practices SP Notes - Sem-II By Prof. A. U. Pathan | S. P. Law Classes
Please Note: Price of the book includes Delivery Charge Rs. 60...
Pollock & Mulla's The Indian Contract & Specific Relief Acts by R. Yashod Vardhan, Chitra Narayan | LexisNexis [2 HB Vols.]
The book is the most comprehensive and authoritative work on the Indian Contract and Specific Reli..
Premier Publishing Company's Cyber Laws by Dr. Gupta and Agrawal
Premier's Cyber Laws Alongwith Digital Data Protection Law & Information Technology Act, 2000..
Principles of Equity with Trusts & Specific Relief for BSL & LL.B by Dr. M.P. Tondon, Allahabad Law Agency
Principles of Equity with Trusts & Specific Relief for BSL & LL.B ..
Private Investigation : Professional Perspective by Virendra Mohan Pandit | Central Law Publications
The Book covers important provisions of the Constitution of India, Indian Penal Code, Code of Crimin..
Prof. A. U. Pathan Sir's Administrative Law for BA.LL.B & LL.B [SP Notes July 2019 New Syllabus] by S. P. Classes
Please Note: Price of the book includes Delivery Charge Rs. 80. ..
Prof. A. U. Pathan Sir's Family Law - I (SP Notes - As Amended in July 2019) for BALLB & LLB for All Universities by S. P. Law Classes
Please Note: Price of the book is Rs. 320/- + Delivery Charge Rs. 80...
Prof. G.C.V. Subba Rao's Family Law in India by Narender Gogia & Company
This is one of the bestselling textbooks for law students. It covers Family related laws includin..
Prof. Ravi Shinde's Interpretation Of Statutes [IOS] for BSL | LL.B by Asia Law House
Please Note: Price of the book includes Delivery Charge Rs. 45. ..
Professional's Information Technology (IT) Act, 2000 Bare Act 2024
Please Note: Price of the book includes Delivery Charge Rs. 80...
Professional's The Drugs and Cosmetics Act, 1940 Bare Act 2023
Please Note: Price of the book includes Delivery Charge Rs. 60...
R. Mitra's Commentaries on The Limitation Act, 1963 by Law Publishers (India) Pvt. Ltd.
About the Book: This is a classic commentary on the Limitation Act, 1963. The authors have de..
Rajhans Prakashan's Mahilavishayiche Kayade [Marathi-महिलांविषयीचे कायदे] by Adv. V P Shintre | Women Laws
स्त्रीचे हक्क अबाधित राहावेत, तिला जगण्याचे बळ लाभावे या हेतूने राज्य सरकारपर्यंत अनेकांनी भरपूर..
Ratanlal & Dhirajlal's Law of Evidence by K. Kannan & Anjana Prakash by LexisNexis
"The law of evidence occupies a pivotal role in the effective functioning of the judicial system a..
Ratanlal & Dhirajlal's Law of Torts by Akshay Sapre | Lexisnexis
Ratanlal and Dhirajlal’s classic work on The Law of Torts is the most authoritative, well-acknowledg..
S. C. Sarkar's Commentary on The Law of Evidence by Sweet & Soft Publication [2 HB Volumes 2023]
Contents:Volume 1: (Section 1 to 133B)The Indian Evidence Act, 1872 Part I: Relevancy of FactsPart I..
S. Chand Publication's Elementary Economic Theory by K.K. Dewett & J.D Verma
S Chand Publication's Elementary Economic Theory by K.k. Dewett & J.D Verma Contents : ..
S. Chand Publication's Macroeconomics Theory & Policy by Dr. H. L. Ahuja
Based mainly on ugc model curriculum. For students of economics, commerce, business management and c..
S. Chand Publication's Modern Indian History by V. D. Mahajan
Written in an easy-to-understand language, this informative and well-written textbook provides ..
S. Chand's Indian Economy by Gaurav Datt, Ashwani Mahajan
This book presents a comprehensive survey of the Indian Economy in terms of GDP growth, savings, i..
S. Chand's Principles of Microeconomics by H. L. Ahuja
The book makes a comprehensive and analytical study of theories of Demand, production/cost and det..
S. Chand's Sociology of Indian Society by C. N. Shankar Rao
Useful for Degree Students of sociology and Cnadidate sApperaing in competitive Examinations like..
S. P. Law Classes Jurisprudence / Legal Theory for BA. LL.B / LL.B Law Students (CBCS Pattern 2023) by Prof. A. U. Pathan Sir
Please Note: Price of the book is Rs. 180 + includes Delivery Charge Rs. 85.This Notes is usef..
S. P. Law Classes Company Law (Companies Act, 2013) for BA. LL.B & LL.B (SP Notes New Syllabus 2019) by Prof. A. U. Pathan Sir
Please Note: Price of the book is Rs. 250 + Delivery Charge Rs. 85.This notes is as per July 2019 up..
S. P. Law Classes Drafting, Pleading & Conveyancing (Practical Training Paper III - DPC SP Notes) for BA. LL.B & LL.B by Prof. A. U. Pathan Sir
Please Note: Price of the book includes Delivery Charge Rs. 60. ..
S. P. Law Classes Family Law II for BA. LL.B & LL.B by Prof. A. U. Pathan [SP Notes New Syllabus 2019]
Please Note: Price of the book is Rs. 200 + Delivery Charge Rs. 75. ..
S. P. Law Classes General English for BA.LL.B & LL.B [SP Notes July 2019 New Syllabus] by Prof. A. U. Pathan Sir
Please Note: Price of the book includes Delivery Charge Rs. 60...
S. P. Law Classes Intellectual Property Rights I (IPR 1 Sp Notes) for BA. LL.B & LL.B Students by Prof. A. U. Pathan Sir
Please Note: Price of the book includes Delivery Charge Rs. 80. ..
S. P. Law Classes Interpretation of Statutes (IOS) for BA. LL.B [SP Notes New Syllabus] by Prof. A. U. Pathan Sir
Please Note: Price of the book is Rs. 180 + Delivery Charge Rs. 75...
S. P. Law Classes Land Laws - I for BA. LL.B & LL.B [SP Notes New Syllabus] by Prof. A. U. Pathan
Please Note: Price of the book is Rs. 180 + Delivery Charge Rs. 75. Includes: Ø ..
S. P. Law Classes Law of Evidence for BA.LL.B & LL.B [SP Notes July 2019 New Syllabus] by Prof. A. U. Pathan Sir
Please Note: Price of the book is Rs. 220/- + Delivery Charge Rs. 85. ..