  • Current Publication's The Maharashtra Lifts Act & The Bombay Lifts Rules, 1958

The Maharashtra Lifts Act  (Act No. of X of 1939)

[As Amended upto the Maharashtra (Chart of Short Titles of Certain Bombay Acts)Act, 2011(Mah. Act No. 24 of 2012) deemed to have been amended w.e.f. 1st May, 1960] and The Bomaby Lifts Rules, 1958 [Amended by Notification No. BLA. 2008/ CR-78 / Energy 1 dated 30th January 2010(w.e.f. 01-02-2010)] with Notifications under the Bomaby Lifts Act, 1939 , Problems & Solutions Provisions under Development Control Regulations

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Current Publication's The Maharashtra Lifts Act & The Bombay Lifts Rules, 1958

  • Rs100.00